Ecumenical Community of Chautauqua


Opening Work Week Dates

Pre-season Work Days to prepare the buildings for the season. Tasks range from light to more labor intensive. A variety of skills are needed. It is always a great time of fellowship with fellow ECOC’ers. There is no charge for … Continue reading

Opening Work Week Dates 2

Pre-season Work Days to prepare the buildings for the season. Tasks range from light to more labor intensive. A variety of skills are needed. It is always a great time of fellowship with fellow ECOC’ers. There is no charge for … Continue reading

Chautauqua Institution Week One

Chautauqua Institution Weekly Themes One Ames Ave, Chautauqua, United States

Themes of Transformation: Forces Shaping Our Tomorrow

Midday Talk June 23rd

United Church of Christ House 6 Bowman Ave, Chautauqua, NY, United States

Presenter: Grace Tallman Topic: TBA Midday Talks, sponsored by the ECOC, are scheduled for Monday's at 12:15 pm and held in the United Church of Christ House Randall Chapel (i.e., across the street from the Shaw House).

Chautauqua Institution Week Two

Chautauqua Institution Weekly Themes One Ames Ave, Chautauqua, United States

Comedy Now: A Week Curated with Lewis Black – In Partnership with the National Comedy Center.

Midday Talk June 30th

United Church of Christ House 6 Bowman Ave, Chautauqua, NY, United States

Speaker: TBA Topic: TBA Midday Talks, sponsored by the ECOC, are scheduled for Monday's at 12:15 pm and held in the United Church of Christ House Randall Chapel (i.e., across the street from the Shaw House).

Chautauqua Institution Week Three

Chautauqua Institution Weekly Themes One Ames Ave, Chautauqua, United States

Art in Action: Building Community Through the Arts.

Midday Talk July 7th

United Church of Christ House 6 Bowman Ave, Chautauqua, NY, United States

Speaker: Timothy Binkley Topic: Getting to Know Bishop Vincent Midday Talks, sponsored by the ECOC, are scheduled for Monday's at 12:15 pm and held in the United Church of Christ House Randall Chapel (i.e., across the street from the Shaw … Continue reading

Chautauqua Institution Week Four

Chautauqua Institution Weekly Themes One Ames Ave, Chautauqua, United States

The Future of the American Experiment – A Week in Partnership with American Enterprise Institute and Brookings Institution.